Step 4 - Register Your Device at TPC Portal

In this step, you will:

Register your LoRaWAN® device with your previously created TPC account.

Device registration is the last step in the TPC system. It needs the following information:

  • Device Manufacturer/Type
  • Device EUI
  • Activation Mode
  • JoinEUI
  • AppKey

DevEUI and AppKey parameters are crucial to ensuring communication between the device and the ThingPark platform. DevEUI and AppKey are written on the sticker inside the device.


Please write down the DevEUI located on the first line of the sticker. This parameter will be required in the device creation form.


Please write down the AppKey located on the third line of the sticker. This parameter will be required in the device creation form.


Click on ADD DEVICE under the Devices category in the left menu.


Click View More Manufacturer to access to Tinovi device type.


Click Tinovi to create a device with Tinovi device profile.


For Model field, PM IO 5 SM already selected.


Select ISM Band which is permitted in your country.


You can enter Tinovi-PM-IO-5-SM#1 to Name field as example.


Enter the DevEUI that you noted from the label inside the device.


Leave Over the Air Activation at Activation Mode field, since Tinovi device use OTA for activation.


Enter an arbitrary  JoinEUI that you wish. You can enter 00-00-00-00-00 as example.


Enter the AppKey that you noted from the label inside the device.

13 already selected as Connection, since it is the only connection that you defined till now.


Click ADD to create the device.

* Providing the AppKey value on (inside) the device presents a practical way for a device used in R&D, but this method shall not be used with devices in production due to its obvious security weakness.