Step 5 - LoRaWAN® Module Firmware Upgrade

In this step, you will:

– Use the example sketch supplied by the MKRWAN library in your IDE.

In order to be able to use the LoRaWAN® module (Murata CMWX1ZZABZ) on your device, you have to update the firmware of the LoRaWAN® module using the Arduino IDE.


Select the MKRWANFWUpdate_standalone sketch supplied by the MKRWAN library, which can be found under the Examples menu of the Files main menu.


Verify that the MKRWANFWUpdate_standalone sketch is loaded into your IDE.


Select upload by clicking on the arrow icon, or alternatively, you can use ctrl+U for sketch to:

  • Compile
  • Upload to Device
  • Run
  • 4

    Observe the following messages in the Output window:

    Done uploading message, which shows that the sketch will update the LoRaWAN® module firmware.

    CPU reset message, which shows that the firmware has been uploaded to the LoRaWAN® module.

    As a result of this step, the LoRaWAN® module (Murata CMWX1ZZABZ) of your device was updated and you can now use LoRaWAN®-related sketches on your device.