Step 4 - Verify connection to Qubitro on TPC and TPX

In the Connections section of your TPC account, you will find that the connection condition can be viewed. To access this panel, choose Connections from the left-hand menu of the TPC and then choose List from that option.

You are now able to obtain additional details about the connections on TPC.


Select the ActilityQubitro connection from the Connections list to view the status of the connection.

Health State section shows that the connection is active.

At the Last 25 Packets section you will see the packets sent though this connection.

Associated Devices section shows that your device (Tinovi PM-IO-5-SM#1 Roof) uses that connection.

Select the ActilityQubitro connection from the Connections list to view the status of the connection.

If you click to "OPEN THINGPARK X IOT FLOW" button you will access the connection definitions and status of TPX. Please notice that now your browser has switched to TPX site.