Getting Started with Abeeway Geolocation Module Discovery Kit

Step 6 - Update the BLE Firmware of the Abeeway Geolocation Module

In this step, you will flash (upload) the sample cli-demo firmware to test the functionality of the EVB.

You successfully installed the BLE software by doing this, which is essential for the example application to function in the intended environment.

*Exact path of the Bluetooth BLE Stack file on the package:


** Start address can change depending on the firmware version. Please refer to Application Notes when you downloaded the code

Step 7 - Upload Sample EVB Firmware to Abeeway Geolocation Module - 2

In this step, you will flash (upload) the sample cli-demo firmware to test the functionality of the EVB.

As a result of this activity, you just uploaded the sample CLI application to test the functionality of EVB.

*Exact path of the cli-demo application file on the package:


Step 8 - Install Tera Term Terminal Emulator

In this step, you will install the Tera Term application on your machine. This application will be used to access EVB via CLI to use the sample application.

Step 9 - Set and display LoRaWAN® parameters of EVB

In this step, you will:

  • Set the LoRaWAN® JoinEUI, AppKey and NwkKey parameters of on EVB
  • View the DevEUI

Please note that it is assumed that you already have an account at TPC (ThingPark Community).

Now you have to connect to EVB using the Tera Term application using the serial connection, and then you have to set the serial connection parameter.

  • Please enter the following commands to setup the LoRaWAN® settings of the EVB, as shown in the figure..

    settings erase

    settings factory

    settings set region EU868

    settings set activation otaa

    settings set joineui 20635f000a000001

    settings set appkey 20635f01f000976220635f000000000F

    settings set nwkkey 20635f01f000976220635f000000000F

    Please notice that joineui, appkey & nwkkey are the values that you can randomly select and these values above given as example only. Rules for these numbers:

    – joineui should be 8 digits hexadecimal

    – appkey & nwkkey should be 16 digits hexadecimal

    – appkey and nwkkey should be the same

As a summary, you just set the values for JoinEUI, AppKey, NwkKey and view DevEUI of the EVB. These values will be used in the definitions of TPC in Step 10.

Step 10 - Register Abeeway Geolocation Module to TPC

Now you have to access TPC to provision your EVB device. For this step, the following information is needed, which was defined in the previous step:

–DevEUI, displayed as a result of settings display  command

–JoinEUI, you set with settings set joineui command

–AppKey, you set with settings set appkey command

In this step, you just created a new device on TPC, which are needed when EVB wish to join the TPC LoRaWAN® network.

*in this example we use eu868, please select your region

** please create a connection if you did not created one before