Hello LoRaWAN® and ThingPark®

Monitoring Steps

Once you have completed all previous steps, data should be sent by the end-device to the webhook site.

Step 7 - Monitoring the Sensor Data on TPC platform

For this task, you need to list the connection that you created and analyze the data traffic. Click Connections > List to list connections. See Figure.

When the gateway is successfully connected to the WiFi Network you selected, the following screen displays and the MiniHub gateway reboots automatically.

Note : You will not be able to access the gateway via web browser again. Accessing the gateway is only possible on AP mode (Config mode).

In the last 25 packets frame, you can monitor data packets that have been forwarded to the backend application.

Step 8 - Monitoring the Collected Data in the Backend Application.

As mentioned before, you are sending the collected Sensor data to a web server for testing purpose. In Step 4, you created a unique URL for testing and entered it in Step 5 – Registration of backend Application on TPC Platform. This task aims to verify if the end-to-end solution (that is, from sensor device to backend application server) is working properly.

To access the webhook site:

  • Enter webhook.site
  • Replace the browser URL with your unique monitoring URL*.

*If your page (created in Step 4 – Creating a backend application) is not displaying, paste the URL that you copied in step 3 of Step 4 – Creating a backend application.