Tracking Personnel with Abeeway Smart Badge

Implementation Steps

In order to create the environment for monitoring the location of the Smart Badge, you need to have TPC membership, a connection definition to Location Engine, register your Smart Badge to TPC, install the Abeeway Mobile application, and finally customize the Abeeway Mobile application to monitor the movements.

Step 1 - Register a new account in ThingPark Community

In this step, you will create an account on TPC (ThingPark Community platform).


To receive location updates from your Smart Badge when it falls within the range of the ThingPark Community (TPC) network, it’s essential to possess a TPC account. Here’s a step-by-step guide to registering for a free account on the ThingPark Community website. This account will enable you to stay informed about your Smart Badge’s whereabouts.

Step 2 - Create connection to ThingPark X Location Engine

In this step, you will create a connection to ThingPark X Location Engine in your TPC account.


Once your Smart Badge starts transmitting LoRaWAN® messages to TPC, it becomes crucial to establish a connection with the ThingPark X Location Engine. This connection is pivotal as it ensures that the data obtained from the Smart Badge through the TPC network is channeled to the ThingPark X Location Engine. This processing opens the door to various applications, including the functionality of the Abeeway Mobile Application.

Step 3 - Register Smart Badge to TPC

In this step, you will register your Smart Badge to your previously created TPC account.

To enable the Smart Badge to connect to the TPC network and transmit location data, it’s necessary to register the Smart Badge under your TPC account.

Step 4 - Activate Abeeway Smart Badge

In this step, you will turn ON the Smart Badge, which is usually delivered in low-power shipping mode, to ensure that it is ready for TPC registration.


To utilize the Smart Badge, power it on and allow some time for it to connect to the LoRaWAN® network. It’s important to emphasize that during this step, you should be within the coverage area of Actility’s ThingPark Community LoRaWAN® network, as you’ve registered your badge with TPC in the preceding step.

Step 5 - Install Abeeway Mobile Application

In this step, you will install Abeeway Mobile Application on your mobile.


In order to be able to view the Smart Badge location, status, etc., you have two options. The first option involves utilizing the Abeeway Device Manager via a web browser (this will be discussed in subsequent steps), while the second entails employing the Abeeway Mobile Application. During this step, you will proceed to install the application on your mobile device. The provided instructions will focus on Android installation, with a similar process applicable for Apple iPhone installation.

Now you have to pair the Abeeway Mobile Application with your Smart Badge. The pairing enables your mobile phone to accurately determine the location and transmit location data to the Abeeway Location Engine whenever the Smart Badge is in Bluetooth range. Please be aware that your device should not already be paired with your phone. If it is, you will need to remove the Bluetooth bond between the phone and the device. You can find detailed instructions on how to do this in the mobile app’s HELP menu, under the section that explains how to remove the Bluetooth bond on both the Smart Badge and the phone.

Take note that if your device’s icon displays a Bluetooth icon on the right edge, the mobile app will relay your phone’s position instead of the tracker transmitting its own GPS/WiFi position over the LoRaWAN® network. This is done to preserve the battery life of the tracker.

Step 6 - Customize Abeeway Mobile Application

In this step, you will customize the Abeeway Mobile Application to suit your needs.

By now, you’ve done all the necessary settings for your Smart Badge. This is your opportunity to tailor the mobile app to match the environment you’ve created. In this phase, you’ll define the areas where you want to track your Smart Badge’s entries and exits. Additionally, you can set up customized alerts to keep you informed about specific events. You’ll also have the option to adjust how often location information is sent during this process.

It’s essential to decide on the timing for sending location information according to your requirements to preserve the battery as much as possible.

Personalize your environment by setting up the alerts you wish to receive from your Smart Badge.