Setting up the LoRa Basics Station Packet Forwarder for ThingPark Community

Overview of this Activity

LoRaWAN® gateways require a packet forwarding agent to connect the gateway’s radio subsystem to the LoRaWAN® network server. While several open-source packet forwarders are available, Actility also offers the industrial-grade LRR agent for robust deployments.

In this activity, we will configure the open-source “LoRa Basics™ Station” packet forwarder and learn how to monitor LoRaWAN® traffic using ThingPark’s Wireless Packet Logger.

An introduction to LoRa Basics™ Station packet forwarder

All packet forwarders perform common functions:

  • Interfacing with the radio Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) APIs
  • Encapsulate the received packets in an IP based protocol for transmission to the LoRa Network Server
  • Receive encapsulated downlinks from the LNS and send them over the radio interface.

They differ in their security and resiliency features (local buffering when backhaul connectivity isn’t available, VPN and certificate management, geo-redundancy), their ability to handle multiple backhaul interfaces (Ethernet, cellular, satellite), and features for operational support (monitoring, remote upgrades, configuration auditing, etc.).

The LoRa Alliance® is still working on a standard Gateway to Network Server (GW/NS) protocol. Meanwhile, several implementations coexist:

  • Some gateways still run a packet forwarder named “Legacy UDP Packet Forwarder” or “GWMP Protocol” which was created by Semtech as proof-of-concept code, without security or resilience in mind. It can be used for educational purposes but never in production.
  • In 2019, Semtech presented Basics™ Station as their new Packet Forwarder implementation for LoRaWAN® gateways, a replacement for GWMP with enhanced security.
  • Some LoRaWAN® infrastructure providers, like Actility, also provide their own Packet Forwarder implementation (LRR™ for Long Range Relay), with additional features oriented towards production environments like geo-redundancy, local packet buffering or improved monitoring.
ThingPark Community is compatible with the Basics™ Station and the ThingPark® LRR Packet Forwarders. For security reasons, the legacy UDP packet forwarder is not supported.

Requirements & Environment

To complete this activity, you need the following:

  • A ThingPark Community account. This is free, you can easily create a new account from the home page menu.
  • A WiFi environment with broadband access to the Internet. It will be used to access the ThingPark Community console and also as backhaul connection for the gateway to reach the ThingPark Community Network Server.

Regarding the LoRaWAN® gateway, you can buy one on ThingPark Market build your own with the following components and simple jumper connections:

  • Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and SD memory card with 32Gb capacity
  • IMST IC808A SPI concentrator module. For more information, click the product page.
  • A Pigtail cable to connect Antenna to IC808A module. For more information, click the product page
  • 868MHz Antenna. For more information, click the product page
  • Jumper Cables to connect the Raspberry Pi to the IC808A module.
  • 5V/3A DC Power supply to power the Raspberry Pi & IC808A.