In this guide, you performed all the basic tasks to build you own LoRaWAN® network using:
- A cost-effective LoRawAN® device, and a gateway.
- The free-of-charge ThingPark Community platform performing the role of LoRaWAN® Network Server, and a light-weight Application Server to monitor the raw sensor payload data.
Certainly, this is not yet a production-quality solution. To get to that level:
- You’d need to use a more robust application server or IoT platform, with dashboarding capabilities, and also able to handle commands and perhaps a rules-engine. There are many to choose from, and most have pre-built connectors for ThingPark Community.
- You’d need to convert between network payload format (usually binary) and the format supported by the IoT platform or application server. The large driver library of ThingPark will provide uplink payload conversion to JSon and REST command conversion to downlink payload.
- In addition to binary to text conversion, you will usually need to perform some sort of ontology normalization, i.e. convert the decoded payload text to a structured representation of measurements with an agreed meaning that becomes actionable for algorithmic processing. Many ThingPark drivers already support the conversion to OASIS oBix “Point” ontology, but you can also write your own conversions using ThingPark built-in processors, including JSLT.