MCF88 LoRaWAN indoor environmental sensor MCF-LW12CO2

This device reads temperature, humidity, pressure, light intensity, VOC and CO2 and sends collected data over the LoRaWan network.

Key benefits

Reads temperature, humidity, pressure, light intensity, VOC and CO2 Sends collected data over the LoRaWan™ network Ideally suited for a wide range of applications such as building automation, condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, security, healthcare and many more use cases.

This device reads temperature, humidity, pressure, light intensity, VOC and CO2 and sends collected data over the LoRaWan™ network. Ideally suited for a wide range of applications such as building automation, condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, security, healthcare and many more use cases..

Datasheet URL

Specifications :
Partner Name MCF88
Vendor DataPrint
Datasheet URL

Power supply Non rechargeable battery
Battery type Other
Operating Temperature (min to max) from -10 to +60 °C
Band LoRaWAN MHZ EU868 - Europe 863-870MHz
LoRa Class Class A
Depth (cm) 8
Height (cm) 12
Width (cm) 2.5
Commercial status Commercially available
Is available for sale Yes

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