Step 3 - Verify the TPX Definitions and Connection

Let’s ensure that the MQTT connection instance is active and successfully connected to the MQTT broker, and that the sensor uplinks are routed to the correct backend connection. We will use the TPX console health status and logger.


Select the connection from the Connections list to view the status of the connection.

Health State section should show that the connection is active.

The logger shows the list of the last 25 messages sent though this connection. Make sure that the device has sent data (you can also check this in the main ThingPark DEVICES console which has a logger at LoRaWAN® level ).

ASSOCIATED DEVICES section shows that your device (Tinovi PM-IO-5-SM#1 Roof) uses that connection.

If you click to OPEN THINGPARK X IOT FLOW button you will access the TPX dataflow dashboard.

Please notice that the active device and uplinks count was 0 when the connection was initially created at STEP 1. Now you should see that the Active device count increased to 1, and uplink messages regularly increase with each uplink in the METRICS section.